The "Voskresenie" ensemble is a vocal group, formed in 2002, whose repertoire includes works of different genres - ethnic, folk, popular Soviet and modern songs in the unique arrangement.

The band consists of four vocalists: Anna Surikova, Polina Kalinina, Yulia Mezhevskaya, Valeria Boyarshinova.
The «Voskresenie» ensemble is one of the most famous bands in Perm Krai. They took part in concerts in the Kremlin, various TV programs on central television channels. Also, they are known for winning many regional, All-Russian, international competitions, and festivals.

The band conducts a wide concert activity and workshops; they are active participants in the festive and socially significant city and regional events. Annually they have tours abroad.

The head of the ensemble is the Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation Irina Rafailovna Kuleva
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